TapTag lets you share your travel stories and adventures right where they occured. Simply post what you did and it stays at that location for future visitors to find.
In turn you can can discover unique experiences shared by people who have been there before. Like a hidden trail or great view.
Not in the traditional sense. TapTag lets you find what others actually did at those places nearby. It's a map of past experiences around you!
Definitely! You can share your travel photos and experiences you've had on your adventures. Your travel photos are left at the location they occurred for future visitors to find and see what you did.
When you open the app you'll see the Nearby screen which shows you photos left nearby on a map. Just tap on a marker and you'll see the photo and who left it and you can scroll through other nearby posts.
It's pretty simple!
We give you a list of suggested users to follow who share amazing posts!
Good news, any post you make can be deleted!
Definitely! And whoever you're sharing it with won't need to sign up to see it.
If you signed up with email it's easy to reset your password. If you signed up with Facebook/Twitter you won't need to just hit those buttons.